The Ultimate Athlete's Success Checklist will show you some of the most valuable mindset skills and ideas that can help ensure you’re on the right track to have a successful year and grow in confidence!

It also provides next steps to help keep you moving toward your biggest goals.

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    You are more than someone else's opinion

    Ok ladies, we have to talk... Maybe you’re self conscious like me, and you already have a hard time looking at yourself in the mirror.

    Maybe it’s a struggle just to have a day when you actually feel pretty or even just comfortable leaving the house.

    Maybe you’ve noticed that in all the pictures of your kids or loved ones, you’re absent or hiding behind others.

    Maybe in your whole social media feed there’s only one picture of you. And when you posted it, hardly anyone liked it, cementing your insecurity.

    Then, on top of already feeling insecure and trying to minimize your exposure, someone makes a crack or let’s a harsh remark slip out within earshot. Or you find out that you lost out a position to a younger or more attractive woman.

    Those feelings are harsh. Those feelings are overwhelming and can be all-consuming.

    And ladies... those feelings... are just that: FEELINGS.

    Someone else’s opinion of you is not equivalent to a fact.

    Your insecurity and those harsh words you scream at yourself... does not make them true.

    You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

    You are unique and full of gifts and talents that other people don’t possess.

    You are beautiful and created in the image of God Himself.

    You are valued and loved beyond measure.

    You are more powerful than you think and capable of more than you can imagine.

    Those are FACTS, and it’s time YOU start believing the truth.

    Stop letting feelings define you.

    YOU need to define YOU.

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    Conquer Your Fear... in 5 Days